Friday, 29 January 2010

Work Foundation Annual Media Awards 2009

It was great fun to shoot this event at the Work Foundation's offices in Westminster last week, especially as my brief was quite a mixed remit of images of the outside of the building, shots of the individual awards, the ceremony and the reception. As ever, I loved having the opportunity to not just shoot, but also listen to all the speakers and acceptance speeches. Greg Dyke gave an interesting speech on the future of the media and Alan Jones, who bagged the Lifetime Achievement Award, spoke candidly about his work as an industrial correspondent. I felt I had won an award some days after the event when the head of external affairs called to congratulate me on the quality of the images. Job done!

Greg Dyke speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Will Hutton speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Greg Dyke speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Will Hutton speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Alan Jones speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Work Foundation Event
Work Foundation Event
Work Foundation Event


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