Sunday, 23 January 2011

Kids Kids Kids!

Happy New Year! I decided this would be the year I keep my blog updated on a regular basis and it's taken me to almost the end of January to put my first blog of the year up! Not a good start I know but I'm not short on good intentions and high hopes. Anyway I got to thinking just how much I really like taking photographs of children so had a look at some of the work I have done previously and here is a selection of my favourite images.


Monday, 21 June 2010

Rapinder and Chris

I had a brilliant day shooting the wedding of Rapinder and Chris at The Node in Codicote, Hertfordshire. They are a great couple and they and their guests were such fun. The weather started off rather dull but the sun soon came out and everyone relaxed and had a good time. Here are some couple shots of Rapinder and Chris enjoying some quiet time before re-joining their guests for the rest of the celebrations.

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Saturday, 29 May 2010

Amazing Atlanta Aquarium

I know I probably shouldn't admit this but I LOVE aquariums! So when I visited Atlanta recently and discovered it's home to the largest aquarium in the world you can imagine my excitement. Can't help it just have to go watch fish! It was a brilliant experience and the size of the main tank (as you will see from one of the photos below) left me gobsmacked. I highly recommend a visit to this fantastic aquarium if you ever find yourself in Atlanta.


Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Is she dead?!

No no no I'm still here but have sadly been absent from my blog for almost 3 months due to a trapped nerve in my neck. It was extremely painful in the first few weeks but I am now almost back to normal. My wonderful osteopath advised that time on my computer should be severely limited and I heeded his advice and neglected my blog in favour of taking photographs and editing. The good news is that I am just back from a holiday in Atlanta and New Orleans so I had good relaxation time and photos from the trip will follow shortly!

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Fundraising for YMCA

On Saturday 30th January I took part in a fundraising event for YMCA Central Herts for the homeless. It meant that I and another 75 people slept out for the night in sleeping bags and cardboard boxes at a section of the car park of the Hatfield Galleria. I can honestly say I have never felt so cold in my life and it really made me think about what it is must be like for homeless people to sleep out night after night in these freezing temperatures. At one point the temperature was down to -4C. We were lucky, the Galleria put on a security person to patrol all night and the local police were informed of our fundraising event, so I never felt that I was in any real danger. There were times I could hear people walking, shouting and laughing in the middle of the night and a number of really loud cars and motorbikes went screeching past and even though I knew I was safe I still felt apprehensive. Again my mind turned to what it must be like to live on the streets and be in such a vulnerable position. I don’t have any answers about how to end homelessness, but the YMCA Central Herts raised around £13,000 that night and if that helps take even one person off the street, it will have been worth it.

Check out an article in the Welwyn Hatfield Times to read all the details.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Wedding Albums

Here are some images of a matted album.

Jorgensen album
Jorgensen album
Jorgensen album

Friday, 29 January 2010

Work Foundation Annual Media Awards 2009

It was great fun to shoot this event at the Work Foundation's offices in Westminster last week, especially as my brief was quite a mixed remit of images of the outside of the building, shots of the individual awards, the ceremony and the reception. As ever, I loved having the opportunity to not just shoot, but also listen to all the speakers and acceptance speeches. Greg Dyke gave an interesting speech on the future of the media and Alan Jones, who bagged the Lifetime Achievement Award, spoke candidly about his work as an industrial correspondent. I felt I had won an award some days after the event when the head of external affairs called to congratulate me on the quality of the images. Job done!

Greg Dyke speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Will Hutton speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Greg Dyke speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Will Hutton speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Alan Jones speaking at the Work Foundation Annual Media Awards
Work Foundation Event
Work Foundation Event
Work Foundation Event

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